Who we are
It was born from the desire to have, in the State of São Paulo, an academic institution dedicated to the specific study of Labor Law.
The APDT was founded on April 10, 2013, coinciding with the first celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws), created at the behest of President Getúlio Vargas to be the first instrument of defense of the working classes, until then without elementary guarantees.
The creators of APDT did not imagine it as a static center of analysis of the legislation in force, or of the jurisprudence sedimented in precedents and jurisprudential guidelines. They thought about it, but intending to go further.

They conceived it as a center to foster debates regarding the modernization of labor law, in line with the transformations experienced by the domestic economy, under the pressure of new technologies, and changes caused by globalization.
With more than 200 million inhabitants, an EAP of 80 million, a large job market, Brazil feels obliged to generate around 20 million jobs each year, in such circumstances, labor law cannot ignore reality, to stay stuck in the past.
The Paulista Academy of Labor Law - APDT, will aim to act in harmony with the National Academy of Labor Law - ANDT, which served as its inspiration, whose statutes modeled its own.
The late professor Cesarino Júnior, master of numerous generations at the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo, elected patron of APDT, and other patrons, whose names top the twenty-five chairs, will be the paradigms in which academics will mirror themselves in the challenging task to contribute to the modernization of labor legislation.
APDT hopes to be able to count on the support of the National Academy of Labor Law (ANDT), and other public and private institutions dedicated to the science of law, to achieve the objectives it proposes.