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Scholars & Patrons

Silvana Abramo Margherito Ariano


– Bachelor of Laws from the University of São Paulo, class of 1980.
– Admission to the Labor Magistracy of the 2nd Region on 02/19/1989.
– Federal Judge of the Regional Labor Court of the 2nd. Region since July 2010.
– President of the 15th. Class in the 2012/14 and 2016/2018 biennia.
– Coordinator of the Core of Fundamental Rights of the Judicial School of TRT 2 in the 2014/2016 biennium.
– Member of the Commission for Document Management and Institutional Memory, 2014/16 biennium.
– Regional Manager of the Program to Combat Child Labor and coordinator of the Commission for the Promotion of Decent Work of TRT2, management 2014/16.
– Director of Anamatra (National Association of Labor Magistrates) 2013/15 managements; 2015/17 and 2017/19.
– Director of Amatra
  2 (Association of Labor Magistrates of the 2nd Region) administrations 2012/2014 and 2016/2018.




Chair No. 34

Patron: Maria Inês Moura Santos Alves da Cunha

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